Current Affairs of World

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Current Affairs of World

The third part
All the brothers and sisters who have not read Part II should go to my profile and read Part II so that the third part can be understood.
In the previous section, we described how the Illuminati are implementing their agendas and what agendas are underway. We will explain one of these agendas to you in detail. Today we will tell you how the human brain will be controlled in the future.
 You must have heard of Tran’s humanism sometime. Tran’s humanism is a technical approach that connects the human brain to a supercomputer to increase the ability of humans to think and understand. At the same time, your brain can be remotely controlled and your brain can be read when you are thinking. This is called the Trans humanism agenda.
Now you may be wondering if this is possible. And if so how???
Let us tell you that yes; all this will be possible in the future. And in the times to come, these techniques will be the cause of the destruction of human beings.
Today, in 2020, we have a number of techniques that can be used to establish a connection between your brain and your computer.
Mr. Elton Musk is also a great engineer, investor and a billionaire man. He has also recently started a new company called neural ink. This Neural ink is a project where human and mechanical brains will be merged. Elon Musk believes that if the human brain is not transformed into a supercomputer with the help of a machine, our understanding will soon begin to fade before the understanding of machines. The difference between machines and humans will be as great as it is between humans and pets today. Neural ink has named this technique Neural Lace. Under this technique, electrodes will be inserted into the human brain which will create a connection with the brain. If this technique succeeds, you will be able to download the thoughts in your mind in the future or upload them to your brain. It may also be that in the future your thoughts will be deleted; deleted and new ideas may be added to your mind. With the help of such techniques, in the future, human beings will be able to save a copy of their thoughts and even after the death of a human being, his thoughts and his knowledge will be copied and his information will be preserved. It can be either in the form of a human or in the form of a machine.
It all sounds like a science fiction movie, but it's the worst truth of the future and you should know about it today.
Now the question arises that these are the electrodes that will be applied to the brain under this technique Neural Lace, are they actually?? These electrodes are a mesh made of a very thin wire that is twisted and delivered to your brain through an injection. After reaching the net, it unfolds and grabs your brain around it. After this process, these electrodes monitor every movement in your brain and record what you are seeing and thinking because your brain is made up of tiny neurons and when you think something then these neurons starts talking to each other. So now that the electrode has been fitted in your brain, these electrodes can pick up the interrelationships of these neurons and read your brain by knowing what is happening between them. At the same time, these electrodes can launch a wireless communication inside your brain that allows you to connect your brain to the Internet.
It can tamper with your memory, control your thinking and understanding and much more that we and you cannot even think about.
In 2015 Neural Lace performed this experiment on mice and we found that these electrodes successfully went into the brain and unfolded. This was a huge success because before that, a major surgery was needed to perform such a mental plantation which can now be performed with just one injection under this Neural Lace. At the same time, it was observed that after this process, scientists were able to read the brain of the rat.
Seeing this, it is possible to say that very soon this process, i.e. Tran’s humanism, will be applied to human beings as well. And Elton Musk has always believed that artificial intelligence is a threat to humans, so he believes that humans should be attached to supercomputers so that we humans can be on par with artificial intelligence.
But it's not just Eldon Musk. There are many scientists in the world who are developing new techniques to perform the same process.
The point here is about our people, have we prepared ourselves to cope with this disaster? Did we prepare ourselves for a disaster like mobile?
Everything has two uses, one positive and one negative. Now we have to see how we're using something. See less

Current Affairs of World
Current Affairs of World

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